an act or offering, what if?, 2021, wood, vinyl, paint, 40 x 8 x 14 feet 1219.2 x 243.84 x 426.72 cm
an act or offering, what if? is part of an exhibition Socrates Annual: Sanctuary curated by Jess Wilcox at Socrates Sculpture Park. Artists included Rachel Frank; Moko Fukuyama; Levani (aka Levan Mindiashvili); Anina Major; Jeffrey Meris; Andrea Ray; LJ Roberts; Yvonne Shortt, Jenna Boldebuck, & Kelly Li; Monica Torres; Monsieur Zohore
Photographs by Sofie Kjørum Austlid and Stan Narten
Documentation and installation of an act or offering, what if? 2021 by Saif Al-Sobaihi